
Do Cold Emails Work in 2024? A Modern Guide to Outreach Success

Cold emailing has been around for decades as a staple in sales, marketing, and business outreach. But with changing technology, customer preferences, and the ever-evolving nature of inboxes (thank you, spam filters), the question for 2024 is: Do cold emails still work?

Spoiler alert: they can work, but the old “spray and pray” method is well and truly dead. Today, it’s all about strategy, personalisation, and value.

The Evolving Email Landscape

In 2024, inboxes are smarter, busier, and more protected than ever. Advanced spam filters, AI-driven inbox assistants, and a general reluctance to engage with unsolicited emails make cold emailing challenging. Still, emails remain one of the most effective channels for direct communication—if done right.

Email is not going away. As of 2023, there were 4.3 billion email users globally, a number that keeps growing. It’s predicted that the number of emails sent each day will surpass 376 billion by 2025. People use email for work, communication, newsletters, e-commerce receipts—you name it. So, getting into someone’s inbox remains a golden opportunity.

But here’s the key: while people may use email, they don’t necessarily read all of it. With so many emails flooding inboxes daily, standing out in 2024 is more about technique than volume.

What’s Changed in 2024?

  1. Spam Filters Are Tougher
    The smarter the filter, the harder it is for your email to even be seen. Tools like Google’s advanced algorithms and Microsoft’s AI-driven spam filters don’t just look for obvious junk mail anymore. They assess things like the domain’s reputation, the content of the email, engagement levels, and even the “tone” of your message.

  2. Shorter Attention Spans
    In 2024, people’s attention spans are shrinking thanks to the rapid-fire nature of social media, short-form content, and the general speed at which we consume information. A cold email that waffles on for six paragraphs is likely to be deleted without a second glance.

  3. Increased Privacy Concerns
    With stricter data privacy laws, particularly in the EU (GDPR) and California (CPRA), it’s more important than ever to be cautious with how you gather and use email data. Getting flagged for violating these regulations can be costly and damage your reputation.

  4. Personalisation is Non-Negotiable
    Gone are the days when a generic “Hi there, I hope this finds you well” email would get even a 1% response rate. In 2024, personalisation isn’t just about using someone’s first name; it’s about crafting an email that speaks directly to their needs, pain points, and interests.

Cold Email Best Practices for 2024

Now that we’ve established what’s changed, here’s how to make sure your cold emails actually get results:

1. Start with a Warm-Up (If Possible)

If you can avoid going in completely cold, do it. Engage with your prospect’s social media, leave a thoughtful comment on their LinkedIn post, or send a connection request. If your name is already familiar, your cold email won’t feel so icy.

2. Craft a Killer Subject Line

Your subject line is everything. It’s the first (and often only) thing people see before deciding to open or delete your email. Aim for short, intriguing, and benefit-focused. According to studies, subject lines with fewer than 7 words tend to perform better, and adding an element of curiosity or value can make all the difference.

Examples that work in 2024:

  • “Can I help with your [specific pain point]?”
  • “Quick question about [relevant topic]”
  • “[Prospect’s Company]: Let’s talk about [specific solution]”

3. Keep it Short, But Valuable

Respect your prospect’s time by getting to the point. Aim for 100-150 words max, and focus on what’s in it for them. Don’t talk about yourself, your company, or your product at length—at least not right away.

Example structure:

  • Open with something personalised (referencing a recent event, their LinkedIn activity, or their company’s achievement)
  • Highlight a pain point or challenge they might be facing
  • Briefly introduce your solution
  • End with a clear, low-pressure call to action (e.g., “Would you be open to a quick chat next week?”)

4. Leverage AI for Personalisation

Using AI tools to research and personalise your cold emails isn’t cheating—it’s smart. Tools like ChatGPT or Jasper AI can help you quickly tailor messages to each recipient by scanning their LinkedIn profiles or recent online activity. You can craft hyper-relevant emails in a fraction of the time it used to take.

Just be sure that the AI-generated content feels human and relevant—otherwise, you risk sounding like a robot (and no one replies to robots).

5. Focus on the Follow-Up

Many deals are closed in the follow-up, not the first email. In fact, the average response rate increases with each subsequent email. Follow up after 3-5 days, referencing the original message in a way that adds value, rather than simply saying “Did you get my email?”

The sweet spot? Three to five follow-up emails, spaced out over a few weeks. Don’t go beyond that—at some point, you risk becoming an inbox nuisance.

Tools of the Trade

To make cold emailing more efficient in 2024, here are some tools that can give you an edge:

  • – Helps you find verified email addresses and manage outreach.
  • Lemlist – Automates cold email sequences and offers dynamic personalisation options.
  • – Provides detailed contact information, including emails, and allows for segmented campaigns.
  • Mailshake – Great for scaling up cold email campaigns while keeping them personalised.

These tools can streamline your cold email process and improve response rates by helping you manage personalisation at scale.

Metrics That Matter in 2024

Knowing whether your cold email strategy is working means keeping track of key metrics. The benchmarks have shifted over time, and here’s what you should be aiming for in 2024:

  • Open Rates: A good open rate sits between 20% and 30%. If you’re hitting below 15%, it’s time to work on your subject lines or ensure your email is getting past spam filters.
  • Reply Rates: A solid reply rate hovers between 5% and 10%. Anything above that is exceptional. Below 3%? You need to rethink your approach.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): For emails that include links (though they should be used sparingly), aim for a CTR of 2% to 5%.

The Bottom Line: Do Cold Emails Work in 2024?

Yes, cold emails can work in 2024—but not if you’re using outdated methods. Success lies in highly personalised, value-driven emails, combined with smart tools and follow-up strategies.

People may be wary of unsolicited messages, but they’re still open to hearing from someone who genuinely understands their needs and can offer a solution. If you can do that, you’ll find that cold emailing isn’t just a relic of the past—it’s a key part of your outreach playbook today.

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