
A Fair Pricing Model for Automation Consulting

When it comes to pricing automation consulting services, fairness isn’t just about being affordable; it’s about aligning the costs with the actual value delivered to the client. Below is a breakdown of the fair pricing models based on the types of automation services, ensuring that both parties see a win-win outcome.

1. I Build, I Manage

This option offers a comprehensive, end-to-end solution. The consultant not only builds the automation but also manages it post-implementation, charging a monthly fee based on a percentage of the savings created by the automation. It’s a performance-driven model that directly ties the price to tangible results. This aligns interests, as the consultant has a vested interest in ensuring the automation delivers ongoing value.

  • Implementation Cost: $0 upfront, but monthly fees from project kickoff.
  • Management/Support: Monthly % of savings from automation.
  • Enhancements: Charged at an hourly rate, varying with complexity.

2. I Build, You Manage

Here, the consultant builds the automation and hands over control to the client once completed. This is ideal for businesses with internal resources to manage the solution post-deployment. The implementation is charged at a fixed price, split between a 50% deposit and 50% upon delivery. Additional support, if required, can be provided at an hourly rate.

  • Implementation Cost: Value-based pricing, typically a percentage of process costs.
  • Management/Support: After handover, the client manages; optional support charged at an hourly rate.
  • Enhancements: Hourly rate, depending on complexity.

3. Built With You

This model is for those wanting to learn and become self-sufficient. It involves training clients to build automations using low-code tools. The pricing is based on an hourly training rate, varying depending on the complexity of the process. It empowers the client, equipping them with the skills needed for future automation tasks.

  • Implementation Cost: Hourly training rate.
  • Management/Support: N/A.
  • Enhancements: N/A.

4. Operational Efficiency & Security Reviews

For businesses looking to optimise existing processes, this service provides a one-time review of their operations. The consultant analyses the current workflows and offers strategic recommendations for improvements, with no ongoing management required.

  • Implementation Cost: Once-off fee, 50% upfront and 50% on delivery of the strategy.
  • Management/Support: N/A.
  • Enhancements: N/A.

Why This Model Works

Fair pricing in automation consulting ensures that clients only pay for the value they receive. By adopting a mix of value-based, hourly, and fixed pricing, clients can choose the model that fits their needs and budget, while consultants are incentivised to deliver quality results.

Ultimately, this approach to pricing strikes a balance between upfront investment, ongoing management, and outcome-based fees. It allows businesses to scale automation efforts sustainably, knowing that their costs are directly tied to the value they gain from automation.

In conclusion, a fair pricing model is one that adapts to the service provided and reflects the real-world benefits of automation. Whether it’s taking full control of the project or empowering clients to handle things themselves, the key is transparency and aligning payment with performance.

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