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What is a ‘Process Walkthrough’ in the Context of Process Automation?

When we talk about process automation, especially in industries like IT, business, and project management, a “process walkthrough” is a key step in understanding and optimising how work gets done. Whether you’re automating tasks with robotic process automation (RPA), implementing new software, or streamlining business processes, a process walkthrough is the point where you take a detailed look at how things currently operate before making changes. It’s like mapping out a journey before you start building roads or buying cars.

Let’s break it down:

Definition: What is a Process Walkthrough?

A process walkthrough is essentially a detailed review of a specific process within an organisation. It’s a step-by-step guide that outlines each activity, task, decision point, and interaction involved in completing that process. Think of it as walking through the process as it happens, but with a magnifying glass, identifying every action and interaction along the way.

In the context of process automation, this is crucial because you can’t automate what you don’t understand. The better the walkthrough, the more efficient your automation solution will be. Without a solid understanding of what you’re automating, you run the risk of automating inefficiencies, redundancies, or even breaking the process entirely.

Why is a Process Walkthrough Important?

Here are some key reasons a process walkthrough is essential when dealing with process automation:

  1. Identify Gaps and Inefficiencies
    • Processes evolve over time, and people often work around issues rather than fix them at their root. A thorough walkthrough helps identify these bottlenecks or inefficiencies that have been swept under the rug.
  2. Document the Current State
    • Before automating any part of a process, you need a clear understanding of the current state. What are the manual steps? Where do handoffs occur? What tools and systems are in use? This documentation becomes the foundation for designing the automated workflow.
  3. Set Realistic Automation Goals
    • By walking through the process, you can figure out which parts are prime candidates for automation and which parts still need human intervention. Not every process is suitable for full automation, and this step helps you make that call.
  4. Ensure Stakeholder Buy-In
    • By involving key stakeholders in the process walkthrough, they get to voice concerns, provide insights, and feel a sense of ownership. It ensures that the automation isn’t being done in a vacuum but is actually addressing real-world needs.
  5. Prepare for Potential Roadblocks
    • During a walkthrough, you’ll spot potential issues that could trip up automation – maybe it’s a regulatory step, an area with high complexity, or an integration challenge. Spotting these ahead of time means fewer nasty surprises down the line.

How to Conduct a Process Walkthrough

Here’s a simple guide to running a process walkthrough that can help you prep for automation:

1. Select the Process

  • Pick the process you plan to automate. It’s important to prioritise processes that are repetitive, high-volume, and have clear rules. For example, invoice processing or employee onboarding often make good candidates.

2. Gather Stakeholders

  • Gather all the relevant people who are involved in or impacted by the process. This can include employees who carry out the tasks, supervisors, system admins, and anyone else with direct knowledge of how the process works.

3. Map Out Each Step

  • Start from the beginning. Break down the process into individual steps. Ask questions like: What kicks off the process? Who is responsible at each step? What systems or tools are used? Are there any decisions to be made?

This can be done using flowcharts, process mapping software, or even a simple whiteboard session.

4. Look for Bottlenecks

  • As you go through the walkthrough, keep an eye out for common pain points. Are there areas where work gets stuck? Do approvals take too long? Are there any double-handling or manual re-entry tasks that can be eliminated with automation?

5. Document Exceptions and Special Cases

  • Not every case is straightforward. Make sure to account for those “one-off” situations that may pop up. Automation can struggle with these exceptions unless they’re properly understood and planned for.

6. Capture Data Inputs and Outputs

  • What information is required to start the process? Where does this data come from, and where does it go? Understanding the data flow is essential for automation, especially if you’re integrating with other systems.

7. Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • How do you measure the success of this process? Is it the time taken? The cost involved? Identifying KPIs will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your automation later on.

The Outcome of a Process Walkthrough

By the end of a process walkthrough, you should have:

  • A clear map of the current process.
  • A list of pain points or inefficiencies that automation can address.
  • An understanding of the dependencies and systems involved.
  • A set of objectives for what you want the automation to achieve.

Example Scenario

Let’s take an example of automating a leave request process in a company.

  1. Manual Process:
    • Employee fills out a form or sends an email to their manager.
    • Manager reviews the request, checks if it clashes with other leave requests, and then approves or rejects it.
    • The approved request is sent to HR for record-keeping, and payroll is notified to adjust the employee’s pay accordingly.
  2. Process Walkthrough:
    • During the walkthrough, you discover that managers often forget to send approved requests to HR, creating delays. You also find that checking for leave conflicts is manual and time-consuming.
  3. Post Walkthrough Insights:
    • Automating the process can eliminate these bottlenecks by using an automated form that integrates with the company’s calendar and HR system, automatically sending notifications and updates, while also flagging any conflicts.


In the context of process automation, a process walkthrough is an invaluable exercise. It ensures you’re not blindly automating, but rather intelligently optimising the process. By understanding every nook and cranny of the process, from data inputs to potential exceptions, you can tailor your automation efforts for maximum efficiency and minimum disruption. It’s the step that separates thoughtless automation (which can cause chaos) from a smooth, streamlined, and effective workflow overhaul.

So, the next time you’re considering automating part of your business or workplace, make sure you walk before you run—starting with a detailed process walkthrough.

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